This article is about laziness in Clojure. It is intended to be a comprehensive and objective (however possible) critique of lazy sequences as a feature. In no way do I want this to be a judgment of the decision to make Clojure lazy. Clojure the language is by no means formulaic; creating it involved making a plethora of impactful choices. We can judge by Clojure's longevity that the total package has been a success, but it's only natural that some decisions proved to be more accurate than others. Finally, this is not meant to criticize the people behind Clojure. Hindsight doesn't need glasses; it is incredibly tough to write a language (let alone a successful one) and easy to pick on its perceived shortcomings. Yet, I'm still willing to do the latter because I believe my diatribe can be helpful.
My goal is to align the Clojure community's stance on laziness. Times and times again, the developers find themselves grappling with the complexities of the lazy approach, attributing their struggles to the lack of understanding of the Clojure Way[1]. I want to prove that many things make up the Clojure Way, and laziness doesn't have to be a defining characteristic. I want programmers to reduce or eliminate their reliance on laziness and not feel guilty about it just because laziness has been deeply ingrained in Clojure since its inception.
Only time will tell if writing this is beneficial, but I'm willing to try. Also, sorry about the clickbait title, it was too juicy to pass up.
Lazy evaluation, also known as deferred execution, is a programming language feature that delays producing the result of computation until the value is explicitly needed by some other evaluation. There are several different perspectives on how one can look at it, they are all similar, but each can give you some fresh insight:
In pervasively lazy languages like Haskell, every expression produces a lazy
value. It won't even compute 2 + 3
for you unless something else needs it. By
invoking the "program as a tree" reasoning, it becomes apparent that "something
else" ultimately has to affect the outer world somehow, to have a side
effect — print to screen, write to a file, etc. Without side effects, a lazy
program is a festive cookbook recipe you never bake.
The principles of lazy evaluation are easy to simulate in any language that
supports wrapping arbitrary code into a block and giving it a name (anonymous
functions, anonymous classes — they all work). In Clojure, that would be a plain
lambda or a dedicated delay
(fn [] (+ 2 3)) ;; As lazy as it gets
(delay (+ 2 3)) ;; Similar, but the result is computed once and cached.
What distinguishes laziness as a language feature rather than a technique is
that it occurs automatically and transparently for the user. The code that
consumes a value doesn't have to know whether the value is lazy or not, the API
is exactly the same, and there is no way to tell (actually, there sometimes is,
but it's rarely necessary). In contrast, a delay
also represents a deferred
computation, but it has to be explicitly dereferenced with a @
While Clojure was inspired by Haskell in multiple ways, its approach to laziness is much more pragmatic. Laziness in Clojure is limited only to lazy sequences. Note that we don't say "lazy collections" because a sequence is the only collection that is lazy. For example, updating a hashmap is eager in Clojure, while in Haskell, it would be lazy:
(assoc m :foo "bar") ;; Happens immediately
There are several sources whence a developer can obtain a lazy sequence:
, filter
, take
, partition
, and so on. Such functions are lazy-friendly
(they can accept lazy sequences and don't enforce their evaluation) and
return a lazy sequence themselves (even if the supplied collection was not
, repeat
, range
, file-seq
, lazy-cat
. Rarely used
outside of the clojure.core
namespace, where they serve as building blocks
for higher-level sequence functions.Let's look at the example code that involves lazy sequences:
(let [seq1 (iterate inc 1) ; Infitite sequence of natural numbers,
; obviously lazy.
seq2 (map #(* % 2) seq1) ; Arithmetic progression with step=2, still
; infinite, lazy.
seq3 (take 100 seq2) ; Sequence of 100 items from the previous
; sequence, lazy, nothing has happened yet.
seq4 (map inc [1 2 3 4]) ; The result is lazy, even though the input is
; a realized (non-lazy) vector.
seq5 (concat seq3 seq4)] ; Lazy inputs and lazy result.
(vec seq5)) ; The actual work finally starts here because we
; convert sequence to a vector, and vector is
; not a lazy collection.
The example above shows how some functions produce lazy sequences, some consume
them and retain the laziness, and some enforce the evaluation like vec
It takes some time to wrap your head around all that.
The reason why Clojure didn't go all lazy is that laziness is expensive. For each value with a postponed computation, the runtime has to keep track of it and remember the code to be executed and its context (local variables). A value is internally replaced with a wrapper that holds all that information, a thunk (Haskell term). Thunks often trigger additional memory allocations, occupy space in memory, and introduce indirections that slow down the program execution. Many of those inefficiencies can be alleviated by an advanced compiler like the one in Haskell. But the design of Clojure prompts for a simple, straightforward compiler, so a full-lazy approach in Clojure would likely have caused performance problems.
But that is not enough. Even with just lazy sequences, the cost of creating a thunk for each successor would be prohibitively high. To counter that, Clojure employs a concept called sequence chunking. In simple terms, it means that the "unit of laziness", the number of elements that get realized at a time, is not 1 but 32. What this achieves is that when processing a large collection, the overhead from the laziness machinery gets better amortized per item. Here's a classic example of the chunking behavior:
(let [seq1 (range 100)
seq2 (map #(do (print % " ") (* % 2)) seq1)]
(first seq2))
;; Print output:
;; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
;; 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
In this example, we introduced a side effect to the map
step to observe how
many items it operates on. In the final step, we ask only for the first item of
the lazy collection, so it is natural to assume that just one item will get
printed inside the map
, but no, we see 32 items printed. This is the effect of
chunking because when the lazy collection runs out of "realized" items, it
forces the evaluation of the next 32 items at once. All 32 are evaluated
regardless if the next step requires 1, 5, or 32 items. If we ask for 33 items,
64 items will get evaluated, and so on.
Lazy sequences in Clojure are cached, which means that the deferred values are computed exactly once. The saved result is returned on subsequent access, and the value is not computed anew. A short demonstration:
(let [s (time (map #(Thread/sleep %) (range 0 200 10)))]
(time (doall s))
(time (doall s)))
;; Elapsed: 0.1287 msecs - map produces a lazy sequence, nothing has happened yet
;; Elapsed: 1970.8 msecs - doall forced the evaluation
;; Elapsed: 0.0039 msecs - values are already computed, not reevaluated the second time
This differentiates lazy collections from plain lambdas that don't retain the
evaluation result and make them closer to delay
, which does.
Now you should know enough about the specifics of lazy evaluation in Clojure to appreciate the following chapters. We'll start by enumerating the undisputable benefits of lazy collections and follow with the unfortunate drawbacks and complications.
The main value proposition of lazy sequences in Clojure (and the laziness in other languages overall) is only computing what's needed. You can write the code without thinking upfront about how much of the result the consumers will need later. The inversion of control allows one to write code like this:
(defn parse-numbers-from-file [rdr]
(->> (line-seq rdr)
(map parse-long)))
(take 10 (parse-numbers-from-file (io/reader "some-file.txt")))
The function parse-numbers-from-file
doesn't have to know how many lines will
ever be needed, it doesn't have to wonder whether it's wasteful to parse all the
lines. The code is written as if it parses everything, and the calling code will
later decide how much will actually be parsed.
We can't represent an infinite sequence using any eager collection since it would take an infinite time to compute it. Instead, there are other ways an infinite sequence could be represented — a streaming API of some sort or an iterator. In the case of Clojure, lazy sequences serve as a fitting abstraction for an infinite collection.
This makes for a great party trick — one of those language features that make
people go "wow" and get them interested[3]. You write
(iterate inc 1)
and get all natural numbers, how cool is that[4]? And since most sequence processing functions are
lazy-friendly, you get to derive new infinite sequences which can stay infinite
up until you demand some bounded result. Wanna make an infinite Fibonacci
sequence? Go for it:
;; The API of `iterate` already recoils a little. We have to store each item
;; as a tuple of two numbers, and later drop the second number. This is because
;; `iterate` gives us access only to the immediate previous item.
(->> (iterate (fn [[a b]] [b (+ a b)]) [0 1])
(map first)
(drop 30) ;; This and the next step gives us 30th-40th elements of the sequence.
(take 10))
;; (832040 1346269 2178309 3524578 5702887 9227465 14930352 24157817 39088169 63245986)
Because a lazy sequence can act as a stream and only hold a single element of the sequence in memory (or, rather, a 32-item chunk), it can be used to process large files or network payloads using familiar sequence-processing functions without paying attention to the size of the dataset. We've already looked at this example:
(->> (line-seq (io/reader "very-large-file.txt"))
(map parse-long)
(reduce +))
The file we pass to it may not fit into memory if loaded completely, but it
doesn't concern us and doesn't change the way we write code. line-seq
a sequence of all lines in the file, and the laziness ensures that not all of
them are resident in memory at once. This gives the developer one less hurdle to
think about. In case they didn't think about it, the program might be more
robust because of laziness; say, the developer only tested such code on small
files, and laziness assured the correct execution on large files too.
Lazy and non-lazy sequences, infinite sequences, larger-than-memory sequences can all be worked with using the same collection of functions. Clojure designers didn't have to implement individual functions for each subtype; therefore, you didn't have to learn them. The language core is thus smaller, and there are fewer potential bugs.
In this section, I'll enumerate the problems that are either inherent to laziness or incidental to its implementation in Clojure. Their order here is arbitrary, but for each issue I'll give my personal opinion on how critical it is.
Many problems arise from the fact that for laziness to be completely seamless, it demands full referential transparency. But Clojure is a pragmatic language that allows side effects anywhere and does not make it a priority to replace the side-effecting approaches with purely functional wrappers. Lazy sequences don't play well with side effects, as we will see many times in this section.
In Haskell, error handling is achieved through special return values that may contain either a successful result or an error (e.g., Either). Thus, errors in Haskell are first-class citizens of the regular evaluation flow and don't conflict with the laziness of the language.
Clojure, however, uses Java's callstack-based exception infrastructure as its primary error-handling mechanism. This is the most pragmatic choice since any other solution would require repackaging all exceptions that could be thrown by the underlying Java code. This could have had tremendous performance implications. Besides, in dynamically typed Clojure, result-based error handling would just not be as convenient as in a statically typed language.
So, we're stuck with exceptions. And we have lazy sequences. What can go wrong? Consider the following bug that I'm sure 99% of all Clojure programmers ran into at least once:
;; We need to generate a list of numbers 1/x.
(defn invert-seq [s]
(map #(/ 1 %) s))
(invert-seq (range 10))
;; java.lang.ArithmeticException: Divide by zero
We wrote a function that accepts a list of numbers and produces a list of
numbers 1/x
. All's good until somebody gives us a sequence that contains a
zero. We want to protect ourselves from that, so we fix our function:
(defn safe-invert-seq [s]
(try (map #(/ 1 %) s)
;; For the sake of the example, let's return an empty list if we
;; encounter a division by zero.
(catch ArithmeticException _ ())))
(safe-invert-seq (range 10))
;; java.lang.ArithmeticException: Divide by zero
Turns out, the function did not get any safer from our fix. Even though it looks
like we wrapped the dangerous code in a try-catch
block, the code inside
merely returns a lazy sequence. There's nothing to catch
just yet. But by the
time the values are "pulled" from the lazy collection, the mapping code has
already left the try-catch
block, and the raised exception crashes the
program. To truly fix this example, we have to watch for exceptions inside each
(defn really-safe-invert-seq [s]
(map #(try (/ 1 %)
(catch ArithmeticException _ ##Inf))
(really-safe-invert-seq (range 10))
;; (##Inf 1 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/5 1/6 1/7 1/8 1/9)
Of all the problems created by laziness, I consider this to be a really serious
one. The Java approach to exception handling teaches us that wrapping code in
should handle the exceptions raised inside[5]. In the presence of lazy sequences, you can no longer rely on
that unless you enforce all lazy evaluation (the woes of which I'll mention
later). This problem is unexpected, it is frequent, and it causes anxiety. And
you can only deal with it by either ensuring there is no laziness in the wrapped
code or catching all exceptions within each lazy iteration step.
Similar to exception handling, dynamic bindings in Clojure are stack-based. As
soon as the execution exits the binding
form, the dynamic variable returns to
its previous value.
(def ^:dynamic *multiplier* 1)
(let [seq1 (binding [*multiplier* 100]
(map #(* % *multiplier*) (range 10)))]
(vec seq1))
;; [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
The root value of the dynamic variable *multiplier*
is 1. We bind it to 100
and multiply a bunch of numbers by that variable. We would expect that the
numbers in map
will be multiplied by 100. However, due to laziness, the actual
execution of map
only happens at (vec seq1)
step, and the binding is long
lost by that point.
One way to combat this is to wrap the function that would be executed lazily in
a special bound-fn*
function. bound-fn*
captures all dynamic values it sees
at the moment of its invocation and passes those values to the wrapped function.
It doesn't matter at which point of time the wrapped function will be executed;
it will receive the dynamic variables as if it ran immediately.
(let [seq1 (binding [*multiplier* 100]
(map (bound-fn* #(* % *multiplier*))
(range 10)))]
(vec seq1))
;; [0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900]
In my opinion, this interaction with laziness significantly reduces usefulness of dynamic variables for anything important. Sure, multi-threading also "breaks" dynamic variables, so laziness is not the only one to blame. But this is something to be constantly aware of, and most of the time, it is easier and more sensible to forgo dynamic variables in your code altogether.
Somewhat similar to the previous two problems, freeing a previously obtained resource (e.g., a file handle, a network socket) happens at a specific point in time, and all the execution delays that come with laziness don't play well with that at all. Here's another bug that should be familiar to pretty much everyone:
(defn read-words []
(with-open [rdr (io/reader "/usr/share/dict/words")]
(line-seq rdr)))
(count (read-words))
;; Stream closed
The implementation of with-open
opens the specified resource, executes the
body with that resource available, and finally closes the resource. Using
particularly is not significant — you could write out the exact
steps manually, and the outcome would stay the same. Such resource management
implies that all the operations on the resource have to happen within that open
window, so you must be absolutely sure that no lazy code that still wants to use
the resource remains unexecuted after the resource is freed.
This kind of bug doesn't creep into my code often, but when it does, I despise it and go on another sweep to clear the program of all possible laziness. I'd call it a medium-sized problem.
Lazy sequences are convenient for processing "larger than memory" datasets. However, speaking from personal experience, this approach is robust only as long as the data access pattern is linear and straightforward. Back in the days when I was enamored with laziness, I developed a program that had to chew through multiple large files containing nested data, and I heavily relied on lazy sequences to achieve it. The program eventually grew more complex, and the data access moved from the trivial "fly-by streaming" to requiring aggregation, transposition, and flattening. I ended up having zero understanding of how much memory the program needed at any given point in time and virtually no confidence that the already processed items would be promptly discarded to make room for new items.
There is even an officially recognized mistake of holding onto one's head which is relatively easy to make. If you retain the reference to the head of a large sequence, the runtime would have to hold the entire sequence in memory as you walk over it. Eventually, you'll run out of memory. Clojure compiler aggressively nils out all local variables as soon as they are not used anymore, a feature called locals clearing. It exists solely to prevent some of the holding on the head bugs.
This is a major issue for me because it directly contradicts lazy sequences' most exciting value prop. If a tool becomes unreliable under the conditions it specifically claims to address, then the suitability of that tool should be questioned.
You should exercise extreme caution when returning unbounded lazy sequences as part of your API. The consumer has no way to tell if the result is safe to load into the memory entirely except for relying on documentation. The consumer must also know which functions are safe to invoke on a lazy collection and which can blow up. Frequently, they will not know or think about these implications, and things will go sour.
Even when you are certain that the sequence you return is not infinite or overly large, there are still ways to screw up the users of your API. A good example would be Cheshire, whose function parse-stream returns a lazy sequence if the top-level JSON object is an array. Combine that with the problem of releasing resources and, God forbid, asynchronous processing, and you get a bug that I once spent a literal hour to figure out[6].
This issue deserves at least medium importance. Absent-minded handling of lazy collections can lead to lurking problems that may remain hidden for years and then surprise you in the most baffling ways.
As I said before, laziness is not a problem when the code is referentially transparent. If you can freely substitute the evaluation with its result and nothing changes for the observer, then laziness is okay. Thankfully, Clojure does not enforce referential transparency, and you are allowed to add side effects anywhere in your code. Then, all of a sudden, you witness this:
(defn sum-numbers [nums]
(map println nums) ;; Let's print each number for debugging.
(reduce + nums))
user=> (sum-numbers (range 10))
;; But where are the printlns?
After fifteen minutes of distrustful debugging, googling, and/or asking on
Clojurians, you find out that the map
never executes due to laziness and the fact that nobody consumes its return
value. Around that point, you also learn what you should have done differently
and carry that lesson through the rest of your life:
or doall
: (dorun (map println nums))
instead of map
(run! println nums)
.In my book, this is a manageable problem. It is feasible to remember whether you might be dealing with laziness when you want to trigger side effects. This is not to say that you'll succeed in it every time; bugs related to side effects and laziness happen to experienced programmers too.
Regardless of how functionally pure a programming language is, every function will always have at least one side effect — the time spent to execute it (also, memory allocations, disk I/O, and any other resource usage). By deferring the execution to another point in time, the language makes it harder for the programmer to understand where those CPU cycles are spent. Simple example using Criterium:
user=> (crit/quick-bench (map inc (range 10000)))
;; Evaluation count : 34285704 in 6 samples of 5714284 calls.
;; Execution time mean : 16.188222 ns
;; ...
This result of 16 nanoseconds does not prove that Clojure is so amazingly swift, but rather that you should be vigilant when benchmarking code that potentially involves laziness. This is the result that you should have obtained:
user=> (crit/quick-bench (doall (map inc (range 10000))))
;; Evaluation count : 2088 in 6 samples of 348 calls.
;; Execution time mean : 299.631257 µs
;; ...
The same goes for profiling. Laziness and all the execution ambiguity that comes with it make the hierarchical profiler view quite useless. Consider this example and the flamegraph obtained with clj-async-profiler:
(defn burn [n]
(reduce + (range n)))
(defn actually-slow-function [coll]
(map burn coll))
(defn seemingly-fast-function [coll]
(count coll))
(let [seq1 (repeat 10000 100000)
seq2 (actually-slow-function seq1)]
(seemingly-fast-function seq2)))
On the flamegraph, you can see that most CPU time is attributed to
, but actually-slow-function
is nowhere to be found.
By now, it should be crystal clear to you what has happened —
returned a lazy sequence and didn't do any work, while
by calling the innocuous count
triggered the entire
computation to be executed. This might be easy to interpret in a toy example,
but in real life, such execution migrations will surely bamboozle you.
If you don't measure the execution time of your programs often (too bad!), then this drawback will not impact you much. I personally do that a lot, so for me, this is a medium-to-large source of headache and another solid reason to avoid laziness.
This problem is not caused by laziness directly. Instead, Clojure's sequence API has to accommodate lazy collections, among other things, so it is quite restrictive in what it can offer. Basically, Clojure's sequence interface ISeq defines human-readable replacements for car and cdr. You can iterate pretty much everything with this abstraction, but it is far from efficient for anything but linked lists. Let's measure it using time+:
;;;; Classic hand-rolled iteration with loop.
(let [v (vec (range 10000))]
(loop [[c & r :as v] (seq v)]
(if v
(recur r)
;; Time per call: 238.92 us Alloc per call: 400,080b
;;;; doseq
(let [v (vec (range 10000))]
(time+ (doseq [x v] nil)))
;; Time per call: 41.50 us Alloc per call: 20,032b
;;;; run!
(let [v (vec (range 10000))]
(time+ (run! identity v)))
;; Time per call: 42.65 us Alloc per call: 24b
In the first snippet, we perform a basic, most flexible iteration with loop
You usually resort to it in any non-trivial iteration scenario (when you have to
accumulate multiple different results at once or walk through the sequence in a
non-obvious manner). We see that it takes us 240 microseconds to merely iterate
over that vector, and 400KB worth of objects gets allocated along the way. The
second snippet uses doseq
, which contains multiple chunking optimizations.
Iteration with doseq
is 6 times faster than with loop
, producing 20
times less garbage on the heap. Finally, the reduce-based run!
offers the
same speed as doseq
in this example while not allocating anything as it runs.
How big of a problem this is depends on how much you care about the performance. For Clojure creators, it is important enough that more and more collection-processing functions are using the IReduce abstraction over ISeq.
Like I said before, laziness is not free, and neither is it particularly cheap. Consider an example[7]:
;;;; Lazy map
(->> (repeat 1000 10)
(map inc)
(map inc)
(map #(* % 2))
(map inc)
(map inc)
;; Time per call: 410.22 us Alloc per call: 480,296b
;;;; Eager mapv
(->> (repeat 1000 10)
(mapv inc)
(mapv inc)
(mapv #(* % 2))
(mapv inc)
(mapv inc)))
;; Time per call: 63.66 us Alloc per call: 28,456b
;;;; Transducers+into
(into []
(comp (map inc)
(map inc)
(map #(* % 2))
(map inc)
(map inc))
(repeat 1000 10)))
;; Time per call: 43.95 us Alloc per call: 6,264b
;;;; Transducers+sequence
(sequence (comp (map inc)
(map inc)
(map #(* % 2))
(map inc)
(map inc))
(repeat 1000 10))))
;; Time per call: 86.16 us Alloc per call: 102,776b
The lazy version in the example takes 410 µs and 480KB of trash to perform
several mappings over a sequence. The eager version utilizing mapv
is 6.5
times faster and allocates 16 times less for the same result. And that is
with all the intermediate vectors being generated on each step. The
transducer version is even faster
at 44 µs and even less garbage spawned because it fuses all the mappings into a
single step. As a last snippet, I show that composing the transformation steps
with transducers and producing a lazy sequence with sequence
is still much
faster and allocation-efficient than building a processing pipeline with lazy
sequences directly.
I wanted to show the profiler results for the above examples, but with such
performance disparity, there is nothing to gain from them. The profile for the
lazy version is dominated by creating intermediate lazy sequences and walking
over them. The mapv
version is mostly about updating TransientVectors.
Could it be that the lazy version is more efficient on shorter sequences? Let's find out:
(time+ (doall (map inc (repeat 3 10))))
;; Time per call: 181 ns Alloc per call: 440b
(time+ (mapv inc (repeat 3 10)))
;; Time per call: 159 ns Alloc per call: 616b
As you can see, with the size of the input sequence as small as 3, mapv
comparable performance to map
. Don't be afraid to use mapv
where you don't
need laziness.
This downside of laziness is significant. A lot of Clojure code involves walking over and modifying sequences, and 95% of those have no business being lazy, so it's leaking performance on the floor for no reason.
While doall
makes sure that a lazy sequence you pass to it gets evaluated, it
only operates on the top level. If sequence elements are lazy sequences
themselves, they would not be evaluated. An artificial example:
(let [seq1 (map #(Thread/sleep %) (repeat 100 10))]
(time (doall seq1)))
;; "Elapsed time: 1220.941875 msecs"
;; As expected - doall forced the lazy evaluation.
(let [seq1 (map (fn [outer]
(map #(Thread/sleep %) (repeat 100 10)))
[1 2])]
(time (doall seq1)))
;; "Elapsed time: 0.139 msecs"
;; Because lazy sequences were inside another sequence, doall did not force them.
The same is also true when lazy sequences are a part of some other data structure, e.g., a hashmap.
(let [m1 {:foo (map #(Thread/sleep %) (repeat 100 10))
:bar (map #(Thread/sleep %) (repeat 100 10))}]
(time (doall m1)))
;; "Elapsed time: 0.01775 msecs"
;; Doall does not work on hashmaps and is not recursive.
You may encounter a scenario like this sometimes, and it is very annoying when it happens. If you want to force immediate evaluation in such cases, your only options are:
to walk the nested structure recursively and call doall
on everything.(with-out-str (pr my-nested-structure))
and discard the result.
Printing the structure will walk it for you and realize any lazy sequences
inside. This is the dirtiest and the most inefficient approach.This is a medium-sized problem. It's not too frequent, but if you do run into it, it will spoil your day.
I've already mentioned that Clojure evaluates lazy collections in chunks of 32
items to amortize the cost of laziness. At the same time, this makes lazy
sequences unsuitable for cases when you want to control the production of every
single element of the sequence. Yes, you can hand-craft a sequence with
and then make sure to never call any function on it that uses
chunking internally. To me, this looks like another way to make your program
To be honest, I have no idea how and when chunking works. As I was writing this post, I stumbled upon this:
(let [seq1 (range 10)
seq2 (map #(print % " ") seq1)]
(first seq2))
;; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
;; Uses chunking.
(let [seq1 (take 10 (range))
seq2 (map #(print % " ") seq1)]
(first seq2))
;; 0
;; Doesn't use chunking.
In the first example, we used (range 10)
to produce a bounded lazy sequence,
and mapping over it used chunking. In the second example, we made an infinite
sequence of numbers with (range)
, took a bounded slice of it with take
, and
there was no chunking when being mapped over. I'm sure the veil would be lifted
if I read enough docs and the implementation code. But I have no desire to do
that. Instead, I don't use laziness anywhere where chunking could make a
difference, so this trouble doesn't bother me.
While Clojure's sequence abstraction greatly reduces code duplication and the need for type-specialized functions, some repetitiveness still has made it into the language. For the large part, I attribute that to laziness and the frequent need to avoid it.
and mapv
(and also run!
, but it is
useful on its own, beyond discussing laziness). To filter, there is filter
and filterv
, and so on. Later versions of Clojure added a bunch of these
v-suffix functions because, apparently, programmers often want to ensure eager
evaluation (and receive the result as a PersistentVector).for
. Yes, they are
semantically different (doseq
does not form a resulting sequence and should
only be used for side effects, like run!
). But I'd argue that if not for the
requirement to consume and produce lazy sequences, those two macros could have
had a common and much simpler implementation.doall
and dorun
also adds mental
overhead.None of this is a deal breaker, just something mildly irritating from a perfectionist's perspective.
In order to have an effective REPL experience, it is crucial for the programmer to be confident that the REPL and the normal program execution behave the same. The classic Clojure workflow presumes that you do most of your exploration in the REPL, test the code, verify it, and finally incorporate it into the program. This is the main feature of Clojure, its alpha and omega, its cornerstone. And laziness compromises that, even if slightly.
The problem with laziness in the REPL is that you always implicitly consume the result of the evaluation. REPL prints the result; hence, any lazy sequences, even the nested ones, will be realized before being presented. But copy that expression into the final program, and it might no longer be the case. In the REPL, it is very easy to forget that you may be dealing with lazy sequences — unless you treat everything in round parens as a potential hazard (perhaps, you should!).
To me, this is a minor issue that you grow out of. There are other things to keep track of when transitioning REPL code to the final program (dirty REPL state, order of definitions, and so on), and you learn to accept that. Still, every time you have to tell a beginner: "in the REPL, it's different" — a bit of trust is eroded.
and doseq
This is my personal silly gripe that should not be relevant to anyone else. List
comprehension macros for
and doseq
are sometimes very practical for mapping
over a collection, even without advanced features like filtering and splicing
nested iterations. But because they have to deal with laziness and chunking,
their expansion is absolutely massive. By using
facility, we can verify that and compare how much bigger a for
expansion is to a hand-rolled iterator-based loop. Alternatively, we can do it
by manually enabling AOT and comparing file sizes.
(binding [*compile-files* true
*compile-path* "/tmp/test/"]
(eval '(defn using-for [coll]
(for [x coll]
(inc x)))))
;; /tmp/test/ contains 4 files totalling 6030 bytes.
(binding [*compile-files* true
*compile-path* "/tmp/test/"]
(eval '(defn using-iterator [coll]
(when coll
(let [it (.iterator ^Iterable coll)]
(loop [res (transient [])]
(if (.hasNext it)
(recur (conj! res (.next it)))
(persistent! res))))))))
;; /tmp/test/ contains 1 file with the size of 1832 bytes.
That extra bytecode will eventually be JIT-compiled to native code, further
polluting the instruction cache and hindering iTLB. Again, this is an incredibly
minor issue compared to everything listed above, but it makes me reluctant to
use for
in situations where it would fit well otherwise.
This article is already longer than anything I've ever written, and I still have to provide guidance on what to do next. It is evident that I don't like laziness. If I managed to prove my point to you, the reader, then take the following suggestions as my personal mitigation strategy to reduce the negative impact of laziness.
The most straightforward advice is to avoid laziness when it's not needed. To achieve that, you need to follow these steps:
, filterv
) over lazy counterparts.(into [] <xform> <coll>)
for complex multi-step processing.->>
-threaded pipeline better, finish it off with an
eager last step or doall
or vec
.If you are a library author, don't return lazy sequences in your public
functions. If you want to let the user control and limit the amount of data
processed by your code, consider having a transducer arity or returning an
Refrain from building a processing paradigm around lazy sequences. It may seem tempting to return a lazy sequence thinking that the user can save some execution time by not consuming the full result. It almost never happens. First, the result is rarely used only partially. Second, good performance is never accidental. If the user is conscious of program performance and measures it, they will find ways to cut down unnecessary work anyway.
In cases when you deal with infinite or exceedingly large sequences, regardless if you are working on an application or a library, choose explicit representations for them. It could again be an eduction, a Java stream, even an Iterator, a cursor. Anything that more clearly signals the non-finite and piecewise nature of the collection will evade most of the laziness problems I described.
Transducers are overall an adequate replacement for lazy sequences. Perhaps they
are somewhat less convenient to experiment with interactively, but the benefits
they offer are solid. You may even move back from them into the lazy-land with
if needed.
If you agree with this article, share it with others. Show it to your coworkers, discuss it, change the common perception. Make adjustments to your code quality standards, weed out laziness during code review. Admit that it is easier to fight lazy sequences in the codebase than to scold yourself for not utilizing them properly.
Clojure will never drop lazy sequences because of backward compatibility, and that is a good thing. It is in our power and control to not suffer from them existing, and acknowledging the problem is the first step to overcoming it. I hope I made my point clear; please tell me your opinion on this and if I missed anything (since you might be too lazy to do that, I explicitly ask for feedback). Cheers.
being shorter and more efficient,
it doesn't look as magical.↑