Jul 11, 2024

System-wide user.clj with tools.deps

Updated on 2024-07-11: changed the approach from passing eval-command with :main-opts to adding a :local/root directory to classpath. The old approach can be found at the end of the post.

Ever since I converted from Leiningen and Boot to tools.deps, I've been missing a place to define devtime functions and helpers that would automatically be available in any REPL I start locally. Boot allows to put any code into profile.boot, Leiningen has a system-wide profiles.clj that is a bit more awkward for defining functions but it still can be done. I finally decided to recreate the same experience with tools.deps and got pretty close. The setup I came up with took a bit of effort to figure out, so I want to document all the steps and gotchas here and share this setup with you.

deps.edn and aliases

Clojure has this special feature where it automatically loads a file called user.clj. It happens in the method doInit() of clojure/lang/RT.java. This behavior is commonly used on a project level to define functions useful for REPL development, e.g., in the reloaded workflow. But this can also be used as a place to put system-wide functions and tools.

Let's begin by creating a file ~/.clojure/src/user.clj. For now, its content will be the following:

(ns user)

(defn heap []
  (let [u (.getHeapMemoryUsage (java.lang.management.ManagementFactory/getMemoryMXBean))
        used (/ (.getUsed u) 1e6)
        total (/ (.getMax u) 1e6)]
    (format "Used: %.0f/%.0f MB (%.0f%%)" used total (/ used total 0.01))))

(println "Loaded system-wide user.clj!")

The ~/.clojure/src directory we've just created will serve as a local project that we can put onto the classpath. We can add it to a top-level :deps key, but I prefer having a dedicated :user profile so that I can exclude it when necessary. Open your ~/.clojure/deps.edn and add this alias:

:aliases {:user {:extra-deps {global/user-clj {:local/root "/Users/myuser/.clojure/"}}}}

The name of the artificial project (global/user-clj) is completely arbitrary. Note that you have to provide the full path to the .clojure dir, you can't use ~ or $HOME here[1]. Because it's a "project", you might as well split user.clj into more files if it gets too big.

Let's try out the new alias we've defined:

$ clj -A:user
Loaded system-wide user.clj!
Clojure 1.12.0-beta1
user=> (heap)
"Used: 17/4295 MB (0%)"


In order for CIDER to automatically pick up the :user alias, you need to execute M-x customize-variable RET cider-clojure-cli-global-aliases[2] and set it to :user. Now, CIDER would append :user alias whenever you start a REPL with it.

Try it out by jacking in into any project with M-x cider-jack-in. After you see the REPL prompt, navigate to *nrepl-server ...* buffer. You should see something like this:

Loaded system-wide user.clj!
nREPL server started on port 51068 on host localhost - nrepl://localhost:51068

The first line means that our global user.clj was picked up succesfully.

Shell aliases

You can still add some shell aliases to simplify launching the REPL from the terminal. They would look the same in .bash_profile, .zshrc, or fish.config:

alias clojure="clojure -A:user"
alias clj="clj -A:user"

Projects with user.clj

I've mentioned before that some Clojure projects already have a user.clj file in their src directory. But the logic in clojure.lang.RT only loads the first user.clj it encounters on the classpath. Due to the nature of how tools.deps works, the first user.clj will be the project-local one because the project src directory is always first on the classpath. You can verify it for yourself by running clojure -Spath in any project:

$ clojure -Spath | tr : \n

So, Clojure will load the project-local user.clj and ignore our system-wide one. I could only come up with a single solution to this — add a snippet to the project-local user.clj which instructs it to go over all user.clj files on the classpath and explicitly load them. The snippet would look like this:

;; This is the project-local user.clj.
(ns user)

;; This is a snippet that loads all user.clj's it can find.
;; If *file* is nil, it means we are called recursively, do nothing.
(when *file*
  (->> (.getResources (.getContextClassLoader (Thread/currentThread)) "user.clj")
       ;; Assume the first user.clj is the currently loaded one. Load others if
       ;; there are more to load.
       (run! #(clojure.lang.Compiler/load (clojure.java.io/reader %)))))

;; Below is the regular content of project-local user.clj.

(defn hello [] "hello")

(println "Loaded project-local user.clj!")

If we now run the REPL, we get this:

$ clj -A:user
Loaded system-wide user.clj!
Loaded project-local user.clj!
Clojure 1.11.3
user=> (heap)
"Used: 17/4295 MB (0%)"
user=> (hello)

The snippet above can be copied and committed into any project that already has a user.clj. The snippet has a property of actually loading all user.cljs on the classpath, including those that come from JAR dependencies. Whether it's desirable is up to you; if not, you can tune the snippet to skip the JAR-residing files.

What to put into user.clj?

I keep many different helper functions in this global user.clj. For example, functions that simplify reflection access to private fields and methods. heap, which we've already seen. time+. Because all those functions are defined under user namespace, they become globally accessible as (user/heap) and so on. Another helper I use all the time loads performance tools into the current namespace. First, my full :user alias looks like this:

 {:user {:extra-deps
         {global/user-clj                           {:local/root "/Users/myuser/.clojure/"}
          com.clojure-goes-fast/clj-async-profiler  {:mvn/version "1.2.0"}
          com.clojure-goes-fast/clj-java-decompiler {:mvn/version "0.3.4"}
          com.clojure-goes-fast/clj-memory-meter    {:mvn/version "0.3.0"}
          criterium/criterium                       {:mvn/version "0.4.5"}}

         :jvm-opts ["-Djdk.attach.allowAttachSelf"
                    "-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions" "-XX:+DebugNonSafepoints"]}}}

And inside user.clj I have this macro:

(defmacro perf-tools []
     (require '[clj-async-profiler.core :as prof])
     (require '[clj-java-decompiler.core :refer [decompile]])
     (require '[clj-memory-meter.core :as mm])
     (require '[criterium.core :as crit])

     (.refer *ns* 'time+ #'user/time+)
     (.refer *ns* 'heap #'user/heap)))

Whenever I want to do some performance work, I execute (user/perf-tools) within the current namespace. The library code only then gets loaded (so I don't wait extra to load it when the REPL starts), and it becomes available in the current namespace as prof/..., mm/..., and also time+ and heap without any extra qualifiers.

The old approach

Before, I've been using a different approach that involved supplying custom :main-opts. It turned out to be too brittle, so I'm leaving it here for posterity. I no longer recommend this solution.

The idea is still to make a file ~/.clojure/user.clj and then add the following into :user alias:

  {:main-opts ["-e" "(load-file (str (System/getProperty \"user.home\") \"/.clojure/user.clj\"))"]}}

Then, you would make shell aliases as usual, but you would have to include -r flag because us overriding :main-opts would prevent REPL from starting automatically.

CIDER won't work with this automatically. CIDER provides its own :main-opts when you invoke cider-jack-in, and since multiple :main-opts from different aliases don't concatenate but override each other, the :main-opts from :user alias is simply discarded. We have to change one extra variable, M-x customize-variable RET cider-repl-init-code, and set its value to:

'("(when-let [requires (resolve 'clojure.main/repl-requires)] (clojure.core/apply clojure.core/require @requires))"
  "(load-file (str (System/getProperty \"user.home\") \"/.clojure/user.clj\"))"
  "(in-ns 'user)")

That is all for today. All of this is pretty basic, but I spent some time reaching the setup I enjoy, so I hope this post can claim some of that time back for you.


  1. I have found this library that allows not specifying absolute file path. I however don't mind specifying the absolute path once to avoid an extra dependency.
  2. Note that it better be cider-clojure-cli-global-aliases, not cider-clojure-cli-aliases. The latter would also work but it is intended for projects to override, while the former is for system-wide aliases. See Clojure CLI options.